Lista das Produções

Pesquisador: Simoni Campos Dias
Filtro: Participação em Congresso anterior a 2016
2015 23º Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology e 44ºAnnual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Extraction and identification of nematotoxic compounds from seeds plants Solanaceaes with biotechnological potential. 2015.
2014 III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research - ICAR2014. Controlling resistant bacteria whit a novel class of B-lactamase inhibitor peptides: from rational design to in vivo analysis. 2014.
2014 III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research - ICAR2014. "Controlling resistant bacteria with a novel class of B-lactamase inhibitor peptides: from rational design to in vivo analyses". 2014.
2014 III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research - ICAR2014. Strong synergismsof peptides derived from fish PLeuronectis americanus show activity in vivo and in vitro against Klebisiella pneumoniae. 2014.
2014 XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia (XXV CBE). Peptídeos inseticidas: bioprospecção e alternativa para utilização biotecnológica no controle de pragas. 2014.