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Filtro: Artigo Publicado anterior a 2016
2015 CARDOSO, V. M. ; MENDES, L. ; PEREIRA, C. A. ; CARVALHO, D. M. ; TREVIZOLI, J. E. ; CARNEIRO, M. V.. biliopatia portal: relato de 2 casos. GED. Gastroenterologia e Endoscopia Digestiva, v. 34, p. 88-, 2015.
2011 MELO-SILVA, CÉSAR AUGUSTO ; GAIO, EDUARDO ; TREVIZOLI, JOSÉ E. ; SOUZA, CAIO S. ; GONÇALVES, ALESSANDRA S. ; SOUSA, GUILHERME C.C. ; TAKANO, GUSTAVO ; TAVARES, PAULO ; AMADO, VERONICA M.. Respiratory mechanics and lung tissue remodeling in a hepatopulmonary syndrome rat model. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, v. 179, p. 22005255-, 2011.
2010 Amorim, RM ; Raiol T ; TREVIZOLI, J. E. ; NEVES, F. A. R. ; Martins CR ; Martins, RM. hepatitis C genotypes in hemodialysis patients in the Federal District, Brazil. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Impresso), v. 52, p. 57-60, 2010.
2008 TREVIZOLI, J. E. ; de Paula Menezes R ; Ribeiro Velasco LF ; AMORIM, R. ; Mendes LS ; Neto CJ ; de Deus Macedo JR ; NEVES, F. A. R.. Hepatitis C is less aggressive in hemodialysis patients than in nonuremic patients.. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (Online), v. 3, p. 1385-1390, 2008.