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Pesquisador: Andre Moraes Nicola
Filtro: Apresentação de Trabalho anterior a 2016
2013 Nicola, A. M.. Bate-Papo com o Imunologista. 2013.
2013 Nicola, A. M.. Interações patógeno-hospedeiro na criptococose. 2013.
2013 Nicola, André Moraes. Macrophage autophagy in antifungal immunity. 2013.
2011 Nicola, André Moraes. Interaction between host macrophages an Cryptococcus neoformans in vivo: occurrence of non-lytic exocytosis and the role of macrophage autophagy. 2011.
2009 Nicola, André Moraes. Genome-wide screening with a pooled shRNA library for the surface receptor of murine IgG3. 2009.