Detalhes da Produção

TipoCapitulo de Livro Publicado
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
Descriçãodo Prado, Hércules Antonio ; HAËNDCHEN FILHO, A. ; Sayão, M. ; FERNEDA, Edilson. Multi-Agent Systems in the Web. In: . (Org.). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition. ed.Hershey: IGI Global, 2008, v. , p. -.
AutorHercules Antonio do Prado

Informações Complementares

Cidade da EditoraHershey
Descricão e Informacões Adicionais(en)The rapid evolution of Internet has opened a new era in the distributed systems scenery: the bigger part of the information systems currently developed is focused in Web applications. Typically, the information resources in Web systems are dynamic, distributed, and heterogeneous. Since these computing environments are opened, information resources can be connected or disconnected at any time. This ubiquity of Web and its distributed and interconnected characteristics represent a natural field for Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), spreading this kind of application. Software agents can dynamically discover, orchestrate and compose services, check activities, run business processes, and integrate heterogeneous applications.
Divulgação CientíficaNAO
Meio de DivulgaçãoIMPRESSO
nome da editoraIGI Global
pais de publicacaoEstados Unidos
TipoCapítulo de livro publicado
titulo do capitulo do livroMulti-Agent Systems in the Web
titulo do capitulo do livro inglesMulti-Agent Systems in the Web
titulo do livroEncyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition