Detalhes da Produção

TipoTrabalho em Eventos
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoPROSDOCIMI, Francisco ; BITTENCOURT, D. ; DA SILVA, F. R. ; KIRST, M. ; MOTTA, P. C. ; RECH, E. L.. Systems biology of spider webs. In: XIX Plant and Animal Genome Conference, 2011, San Diego. Anais do XIX Plant and Animal Genome Conference, 2011. v. 1. p. 72-72.
AutorFrancisco Prosdocimi

Informações Complementares

Ano de Realização2011
Ano do Trabalho2011
Cidade do EventoSan Diego
Classificação do EventoINTERNACIONAL
Descrição e Informações AdicionaisMolecular, behavioural, and anatomical sophistication have been studied in primitive and modern spiders regarding the production of silk. About 87.000 RNA-seq short-reads representing the spinning gland transcriptome of the spiders (i) Actinopus sp. (Mygalomorphae), and (ii) Gasteracantha cancriformis (Orbicularia) have been produced in a 454 sequencer. Mygalomorphae spiders, known to retain a number of primitive morphological characters, use mixtures of a primitive web, soil, and plants only to cover a burrow they make on the ground for shelter and predation. On the other hand, Orbicularia spiders show a number of derivative spider s characters and they are capable to build different and complex silks used in a variety of situations. It is interesting to note that the complexity of web production, usage and behaviour in these spiders is reflected both by (i) the variety of the repertoire of protein molecules (spidroins) they use to make their webs and (ii) the complexity of their anatomical spinning gland apparatus used to produce the silk. Here we have first conducted a broad analysis of the spinning gland transcriptome in both spiders producing unigenes and categorizing annotated genes in biological functions. Then we started to analyze the number and variety of spider silk proteins and families found in different spider clades. We have shown that spiders using web only for a limited number of situations present a less sophisticated morphological spinning apparatus and produce a small repertoire of spidroin molecules. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in the 3 region of spidroins and we try to relate (i) the evolution of silk protein families, (ii) the evolutionary complexification of silk production behaviour and web usage, and (iii) the appearance of new specialized spinning glands along the evolution of specimens and clades in the Araneae order.
Descrição e Informações Adicionais(en)Molecular, behavioural, and anatomical sophistication have been studied in primitive and modern spiders regarding the production of silk. About 87.000 RNA-seq short-reads representing the spinning gland transcriptome of the spiders (i) Actinopus sp. (Mygalomorphae), and (ii) Gasteracantha cancriformis (Orbicularia) have been produced in a 454 sequencer. Mygalomorphae spiders, known to retain a number of primitive morphological characters, use mixtures of a primitive web, soil, and plants only to cover a burrow they make on the ground for shelter and predation. On the other hand, Orbicularia spiders show a number of derivative spider s characters and they are capable to build different and complex silks used in a variety of situations. It is interesting to note that the complexity of web production, usage and behaviour in these spiders is reflected both by (i) the variety of the repertoire of protein molecules (spidroins) they use to make their webs and (ii) the complexity of their anatomical spinning gland apparatus used to produce the silk. Here we have first conducted a broad analysis of the spinning gland transcriptome in both spiders producing unigenes and categorizing annotated genes in biological functions. Then we started to analyze the number and variety of spider silk proteins and families found in different spider clades. We have shown that spiders using web only for a limited number of situations present a less sophisticated morphological spinning apparatus and produce a small repertoire of spidroin molecules. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in the 3 region of spidroins and we try to relate (i) the evolution of silk protein families, (ii) the evolutionary complexification of silk production behaviour and web usage, and (iii) the appearance of new specialized spinning glands along the evolution of specimens and clades in the Araneae order.
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Título dos Anais ou ProceedingsPlant and Animal Genome Conference Abstracts
Título do TrabalhoSystems biology of spider webs
Título do Trabalho(en)Systems biology of spider webs