Detalhes da Produção

TipoTrabalho em Eventos
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoNEHME, C. C. ou CHAUKE-NEHME, C. ; Galvão, A. B. ; Cavalcanti, A. V. A. ; COELHO, G. M. ; Fellows Filho, L.. A FORESIGHT METHOD FOR ENHANCING COMPETITIVENESS OF BRAZILIAN INDUSTRIAL SECTORS. In: WorldFuture 2009 - Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World, 2009, Chicago, Illinois - USA. Anais do WorldFuture 2009 - Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World, 2009. v. 1. p. -.
AutorCláudio Chauke Nehme

Informações Complementares

Ano de Realização2009
Ano do Trabalho2009
Cidade da EditoraBethesda, Maryland - USA
Cidade do EventoChicago, Illinois - USA
Classificação do EventoINTERNACIONAL
Descrição e Informações AdicionaisGovernments all over the world hope to make their industrial sectors more competitive in the global economy. This paper introduces a sectorial foresight methodology created to define long-term strategy plans for six industrial sectors in Brazil each of which is aligned with an industrial policy that aims to reorganize strategic sectors, enhance their competitiveness in the global market, and increase foreign sales of value-added products. The method was created while CGEE developed prospective studies for the six sectors, and is based on the development of strategic and technological roadmaps, adapted to accommodate unique requirements for each sector. It consists of four phases Foresight Planning, Understanding the Present, Futuring Perspectives, and Prospecting Future Opportunities. Foresight Planning includes: (1) defining a work plan and foresight approach; and (2) negotiating with stakeholders. Understanding the Present includes: (1) data-hunting and gathering; and (2) segmentation and prioritization. Futuring Perspectives includes: (1) scanning and detecting trends; and (2) developing vision and action goals. Prospecting Future Opportunities includes: (1) defining strategies and roadmaps; and (2) making recommendations. This paper focuses on formalizing this process so that it can be more broadly disseminated and more easily used. It starts by introducing the meaning of foresight concepts relevant in the industrial context of Brazil, and subsequently introduces an adaptation of the roadmap technique to the broader scope of the industrial sectors. This paper emphasizes the challenges and results obtained while working with the aeronautical, shoe, plastic, furniture, medical equipment, and textile sectors of Brazil. The final recommendations for prospective studies are not shared due to the sensitive nature of the information.
Descrição e Informações Adicionais(en)Governments all over the world hope to make their industrial sectors more competitive in the global economy. This paper introduces a sectorial foresight methodology created to define long-term strategy plans for six industrial sectors in Brazil each of which is aligned with an industrial policy that aims to reorganize strategic sectors, enhance their competitiveness in the global market, and increase foreign sales of value-added products. The method was created while CGEE developed prospective studies for the six sectors, and is based on the development of strategic and technological roadmaps, adapted to accommodate unique requirements for each sector. It consists of four phases Foresight Planning, Understanding the Present, Futuring Perspectives, and Prospecting Future Opportunities. Foresight Planning includes: (1) defining a work plan and foresight approach; and (2) negotiating with stakeholders. Understanding the Present includes: (1) data-hunting and gathering; and (2) segmentation and prioritization. Futuring Perspectives includes: (1) scanning and detecting trends; and (2) developing vision and action goals. Prospecting Future Opportunities includes: (1) defining strategies and roadmaps; and (2) making recommendations. This paper focuses on formalizing this process so that it can be more broadly disseminated and more easily used. It starts by introducing the meaning of foresight concepts relevant in the industrial context of Brazil, and subsequently introduces an adaptation of the roadmap technique to the broader scope of the industrial sectors. This paper emphasizes the challenges and results obtained while working with the aeronautical, shoe, plastic, furniture, medical equipment, and textile sectors of Brazil. The final recommendations for prospective studies are not shared due to the sensitive nature of the information.
Divulgação CientíficaNAO
Homepage do Trabalho[]
Meio de DivulgaçãoIMPRESSO
Nome da EditoraWorld Future Society
Nome do EventoWorldFuture 2009 - Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World
País do EventoBrasil
Título dos Anais ou ProceedingsInnovation and Creativity in a Complex World