Detalhes da Produção

TipoArtigo Publicado
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoSilva FGO ; Ramos-Neto AS ; Costa ALCC ; Neves DM ; Simão GML ; Teixeira ML ; Miranda ME. Immediate implant and immediate loading in anterior region - follow up of 5 years - case report. Oral Sciences, v. 2, p. 49-53, 2010.
AutorAntonio da Silva Ramos Neto

Informações Complementares

Ano do artigo2010
Descricão e Informacões AdicionaisABSTRACT - The use of osseointegrated implants developed by Dr. Per-Ingvar Branemark is consecrated and well accept on the part of the patients and professional, however the original protocol with two surgical stages demand a great amount of time and costs, besides the patients indisposition to have to wait at least three months for the placement of the prosthesis. To minimize those problems new studies were done, including the protocol of immediate load and the Branemark Novum system. Then, decreasing time of treatment and consequently costs, giving to the patient the opportunity of, soon after the surgery, to install a temporary prosthesis or definitive in Branemark protocol cases. This study demonstrates a clinical case where was ac- complished the procedure of immediate implant and application of immediate load in superior central incisor.
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Título do ArtigoImmediate implant and immediate loading in anterior region - follow up of 5 years - case report
Título do Períodico ou RevistaOral Sciences