Detalhes da Produção

TipoTrabalho em Eventos
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoSILVA, P. L. R. ; BARROS, M. P. ; GUIMARAES, M.. ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMES AS INDICATORS OF CONTAMINATION BY THE PESTICÍDA BARRAGE® (CYPERMETHRIN) IN MICROALGAE IN CENTRAL BRAZIL. In: 29o Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia, 2017, Foz de Iguaçu-PA. Anais do 29o Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia, 2017. v. . p. -.
AutorMelina Guimaraes

Informações Complementares

Ano de Realização2017
Ano do Trabalho2017
Cidade do EventoFoz de Iguaçu-PA
Classificação do EventoNACIONAL
Descrição e Informações AdicionaisContamination with agrochemicals and pesticides corresponds to the second most relevant type of water contamination in Brazil. Barrage® is the most used pesticide in the Federal District. The active constituent in this product, cypermethrin, is a type II synthetic pyrethroid, which is classified as a highly toxic and risky pesticide to the environment. One of its effects on algae is oxidative stress, leading to an increased activity of antioxidant enzymes. This work aimed to analyze the responses of catalase (APX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) enzymes in the periphery of a pristine Cerrado lagoon and in a unialgal culture of Chlorolobium braunii, in order to detect early the effect of the pesticide Barrage® (cypermethrin) in metabolism. The periphyton was collected in Lagoa Bonita (ESECAE) and C. braunii was collected in the tributary of Ribeirão do Gama-DF (APA-Cabeço de Veado). Photosynthetic parameters evaluated by fluorescence of PSII were measured over 96 h, from 0 to 5 mg/L in the periphyton and 0 to 30 mg/L of Barrage® (cypermethrin) for C. braunii, in order to obtain the values of IC25 and IC50, as well as the measurement of APX and CAT activities. There was a significant reduction of Fv/Fm over time in the periphyton, but there was not enough inhibition to reach the IC25 and IC50 values. In C. braunii, IC25 was 8.1 mg/L, and IC 50, 15.75 mg/L cypermethrin. For the periphyton community, there was a 170% increase in APX activity at 5 mg/L, and a 66.6% increase in CAT activity at a concentration of 1 mg/L after 96 h exposure to cypermethrin. C. braunii submitted to 30 mg/L of cypermethrin showed an increase of 89% in APX and 123% in CAT, after 96 h of treatment. This study corroborates the use of photosynthetic parameters of the fluorescence of photosynthesis and the activity of oxidizing enzymes can be used as early bioindicators of cypermethrin contamination in the aquatic environment within a few hours, with fluorescence being a more r
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Nome do Evento29o Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia
País do EventoBrasil
Título dos Anais ou ProceedingsAnais do 29o Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia