Detalhes da Produção

TipoTrabalho em Eventos
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoREZENDE, G. L.. `Severe Epistaxis: The Importance of Looking for The S-point.`. In: 17º Congresso da Fundação Otorrinolaringologia (16/08/2018 - 18/08/2018), 2018, Brasília. Anais do 17º Congresso da Fundação Otorrinolaringologia (16/08/2018 - 18/08/2018), 2018. v. . p. -.
AutorGustavo Lara Rezende

Informações Complementares

Ano de Realização2018
Ano do Trabalho2018
Cidade da EditoraSão Paulo
Cidade do EventoBrasília
Classificação do EventoNACIONAL
Descrição e Informações Adicionais(en)Introduction: Epistaxis is one of the most common otorhinolaryngological emergencies. Severe epistaxis, which is life-threatening and requires urgent treatment, is less common, occurring in about 4% of cases. Objective: Report a case of difficult-to-control epistaxis Resumed report: A 45-year-old man, hypertensive, arrived at the emergency of our service with an important epistaxis, difficult to control, and anterior and posterior tamponade was performed, without bleeding improvement, and the cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery was performed with control of the bleeding. Four days later the patient presented epistaxis, requiring the cauterization of the left anterior ethmoidal artery. The patient evolved well and was discharged nine days later with epistaxis. He underwent a new cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery and distal branches, and the bleeding ceased. During the hospitalization, he bled again, requiring a blood transfusion and a new approach, in which the bleeding was found in the area called S-point and cauterized. The patient progresses well, being discharged home and referred for outpatient follow-up. Conclusion: Severe epistaxis usually comes from the posterior circulation, although in almost half of the cases the site responsible for bleeding is not identified. The upper portion of the nasal septum, more specifically the projection of the axilla of the middle concha, has been considered an important source of bleeding in severe epistaxis. The S-point is not a site that is routinely checked for bleeding, and its revision was important for a correct diagnosis and treatment of the cause of epistaxis.
Divulgação CientíficaNAO
Homepage do Trabalho[]
Meio de DivulgaçãoMEIO_DIGITAL
Nome da EditoraArquivos de Otorrinolaringologia
Nome do Evento17º Congresso da Fundação Otorrinolaringologia (16/08/2018 - 18/08/2018)
País do EventoBrasil
Título dos Anais ou ProceedingsSevere Epistaxis: The Importance of Looking for The S-point.
Título do Trabalho`Severe Epistaxis: The Importance of Looking for The S-point.`
Título do Trabalho(en)Severe Epistaxis: The Importance of Looking for The S-point.