Detalhes da Produção

TipoArtigo Publicado
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoSILVA, T. C. ; TABAK, B. M. ; LAIZ, M. T.. Traffic campaigns and overconfidence: An experimental approach. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, v. 146, p. 105694-, 2020.
AutorThiago Christiano Silva

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Ano do artigo2020
Descricão e Informacões AdicionaisWe use a controlled experiment to analyze the impact of watching different types of educational traffic campaign videos on overconfidence of undergraduate university students in Brazil. The videos have the same underlying traffic educational content but differ in the form of exhibition. We find that videos with shocking content (Australian school) are more effective in reducing drivers` overconfidence, followed by those with punitive content (American school). We do not find empirical evidence that videos with technical content (European school) change overconfidence. Since several works point to a strong association between overconfidence and road safety, our study can support the conduit of driving safety measures by identifying efficient ways of reducing drivers` overconfidence. Finally, this paper also introduces how to use machine learning techniques to mitigate the usual subjectivity in the design of the econometric specification that is commonly faced in many researches in experimental economics.
Descricão e Informacões Adicionais(en)We use a controlled experiment to analyze the impact of watching different types of educational traffic campaign videos on overconfidence of undergraduate university students in Brazil. The videos have the same underlying traffic educational content but differ in the form of exhibition. We find that videos with shocking content (Australian school) are more effective in reducing drivers` overconfidence, followed by those with punitive content (American school). We do not find empirical evidence that videos with technical content (European school) change overconfidence. Since several works point to a strong association between overconfidence and road safety, our study can support the conduit of driving safety measures by identifying efficient ways of reducing drivers` overconfidence. Finally, this paper also introduces how to use machine learning techniques to mitigate the usual subjectivity in the design of the econometric specification that is commonly faced in many researches in experimental economics.
Divulgacão CientíficaNAO
Meio de DivulgaçãoNAO_INFORMADO
Página Inicial105694
Título do ArtigoTraffic campaigns and overconfidence: An experimental approach
Título do Artigo(en)Traffic campaigns and overconfidence: an experimental approach