Lista das Produções

Filtro: Capitulo de Livro Publicado em 2016
2016 ANTONINO DE SOUZA JR, JOSÉ DIJAIR ; Grossi de Sá MF ; ENGLER, GILBERT ; DE ALMEIDA-ENGLER, JANICE. Imaging Nuclear Morphology and Organization in Cleared Plant Tissues Treated with Cell Cycle Inhibitors. In: . (Org.). Imaging Nuclear Morphology and Organization in Cleared Plant Tissues Treated with Cell Cycle Inhibitors. 1ed.: Springer New York, 2016, v. , p. 59-68.
2016 GROSSI-DE-SA, M.F. ; ARRAES, F. B. M. ; Guimaraes, PM ; PELEGRINI, P. B.. Biotechnology and GM crops in Brazil. In: De Buck, S., Ingelbrecht, I., Heijde, M., and Van Montagu M. (Org.). Innovative farming and forestry across the emerging world: the role of genetically modified crops and trees. 1ed.Ghent: International Industrial Biotechnology Network (IIBN), 2016, v. 1, p. 35-51.