Lista das Produções

Pesquisador: Octavio Luiz Franco
Filtro: Participação em Congresso anterior a 2016
2010 3 Congresso Brasileiro de Biotecnologia (SBBiotec). Proteomics and peptidomics for drug development (Novel technologies to screen antibiotics for human and veterinary utilization ). 2010.
2010 XXIX Congresso da Sociedade de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular. Development of novel biactive peptideswith biotechnological potential from unusual biomes. 2010.
2008 2nd World Conference on Magic Bullets. Antibacterials - Discovery - Peptide antibiotics - Part III - Are the tropical forests the new frontier for antibiotics discovery? Novel peptidomicsinsights on the screening of plant antimicrobial peptides. 2008.
2008 59 Congresso Nacional de Botanica. O uso de estratégias moleculares alternativas na busca de peptídeos com atividades bioinseticidas em plantas nativas e agricultáveis. 2008.
2007 MPSA Satellite Meeting - Proteomics in Cancer and Infectious Diseases. Comparative proteome and toxicological studies of Bothrops itapetiningae venom. 2007.
2006 VIII Reunião Regional Nordeste do SBBq. Storage Peptides: The Secrete Guard Of The Seeds. 2006.
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