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Filtro: Artigo Publicado em 2016
2016 ANDRADE, MÍRIAN DANIELA MATOS CAMPOS ; FUKUDA, CLÁUDIA CRISTINA. School inclusion of people with physical disabilities: The role of social interactions. Interpersona : an International Journal on Personal Relationships, v. 10, p. 22-33, 2016.
2016 FUKUDA, CLÁUDIA CRISTINA ; PENSO, MARIA APARECIDA ; AMPARO, DEISE MATOS DO ; ALMEIDA, BRUNO COIMBRAS DE ; MORAIS, CAMILA DE AQUINO. Mental health of young Brazilians: Barriers to professional help-seeking. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), v. 33, p. 355-365, 2016.