Detalhes da Produção

TipoTrabalho em Eventos
GrupoProdução Bibliográfica
DescriçãoCALIMAN, G.. The Concept of Social Pedagogy Based on the Praxis of Social Work in Brazil. In: Binational Conference Research on Subject Development and Inclusion, 2011, Siegen. Anais do Binational Conference Research on Subject Development and Inclusion, 2011. v. 1. p. 290-307.
AutorGeraldo Caliman

Informações Complementares

Ano de Realização2011
Ano do Trabalho2011
Cidade da EditoraFrankfurt
Cidade do EventoSiegen
Classificação do EventoINTERNACIONAL
Descrição e Informações AdicionaisThis text aims at identifying a concept of Social Pedagogy and Social Education based on the recent evolution and systematization of this science in Brazil. It takes into account a large and diversified experience and practice in social education and the effort to build up a Brazilian Social Pedagogy whose critical fundaments are Freirean-influenced. First, the article contextualizes the recent evolution of Social Pedagogy in Brazil and brings about a new concept that makes it possible to anticipate new perspectives within the field. Here, Social Pedagogy is defined as science, social and applied science, normative science, descriptive science, science that produces educational technology, individual and group-oriented science structured in a relationship of care and help that promotes people s capacity to manage risk and emancipate those historically oppressed through socio-educational programs and institutions.
Descrição e Informações Adicionais(en)This text aims at identifying a concept of Social Pedagogy and Social Education based on the recent evolution and systematization of this science in Brazil. It takes into account a large and diversified experience and practice in social education and the effort to build up a Brazilian Social Pedagogy whose critical fundaments are Freirean-influenced. First, the article contextualizes the recent evolution of Social Pedagogy in Brazil and brings about a new concept that makes it possible to anticipate new perspectives within the field. Here, Social Pedagogy is defined as science, social and applied science, normative science, descriptive science, science that produces educational technology, individual and group-oriented science structured in a relationship of care and help that promotes people s capacity to manage risk and emancipate those historically oppressed through socio-educational programs and institutions.
Divulgação CientíficaNAO
Homepage do Trabalho[]
Meio de DivulgaçãoIMPRESSO
Nome da EditoraG.A.F.B.-Verlag
Nome do EventoBinational Conference Research on Subject Development and Inclusion
Página Final307
Página Inicial290
País do EventoAlemanha
Título dos Anais ou ProceedingsInternationale Perspektiven der Subjektentwicklungs- und Inklusionsforschung
Título do TrabalhoThe Concept of Social Pedagogy Based on the Praxis of Social Work in Brazil
Título do Trabalho(en)The Concept of Social Pedagogy Based on the Praxis of Social Work in Brazil